Dear at Dusk
My idea first came about with wanting to create a naturalistic “dream sequence” – it later developed into more of a experimental non- dialogue narrative with a dream quality to it. I wanted to embrace nature as much as possible, show its full beauty, and show how we can learn from it. Pine trees have always been my favorite growing up in northern Ohio we had them on our property, and also we had planted a lot of them, I appreciated their strength through all four seasons we experience here. They hold their girth and smell. Pine trees have a distinct smell that is impelling and attractive and soothing – I wanted to achieve the same visually. Through research pine trees are a symbol of longevity, loneliness, protection. They release negative ions in the air decreasing stress when reached in our bloodstream our serotonin levels increase causing happiness.
 Experimental film that spoke to the audience in different ways but held mystery and emotional heaviness within it. I remember seeing the film in my head as an emotion rather than a visual appearance first. Wanting to show a connection with the roots below you, also behind you and the hardships of reality and relationships. Civil dawn begins when the geometric center of the Sun is 6 degrees below the horizon and ends with sunrise, which is the moment when the Sun's upper edge touches the horizon. I used 6 women in this piece.
Film Work

Film Work

My strongest film work.
